Wild Traveller Club


Earn rewards, find out about special promotions and earn invites to special trips, become a member the moment you sign up on one of our trips.

As a member of our Wild Traveller Club you will you will be able to earn credits ($20 USD or £12 per active trip day!) towards future trips every time you travel with us. You can either redeem these credits yourself or gift them on to others.

We will send you a special ‘members only’ newsletter with promotions and special offers.

You will have access to book our trips before official launch dates and earn invitations to our ‘Signature Series’ trips as you become more experienced in adventure travel.

We will keep track of your achievements and the skills that you have learned with your own personal bio.

We will send you a t-shirt or cap, sticker and journal and make you a member of our Wild Travel Club Facebook community.

For more information on how to join our club contact us.




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