Namibia Update: WWA is Proud to Introduce Gordon Ross as our Guest Photographic Tour Leader for our 2014 Trips

    I’ve been taking pictures for over 30 years now and I’m still as inspired as I ever was to take photographs  In an age when we tend to pick things up, try them for a while, and then move on, I feel extremely fortunate to have a profession that I am still deeply passionate… Continue reading Namibia Update: WWA is Proud to Introduce Gordon Ross as our Guest Photographic Tour Leader for our 2014 Trips

Sardinian Sortie by Kayak.

Kayaking Sardinia is a trip of wonderful experiences. This trip came about through a long line of events over the years. It started in 2009 when I was in Croatia kayaking and first got in contact with Marco Venturini about running trips in Europe. Now 4 years later  I created a trip with Marco in… Continue reading Sardinian Sortie by Kayak.

Nobody’s River Film out!

We are proud to help support this project and be connected with this group. Check out there new film release, where to view it, and Stay tuned for a WWA trip to this area to see it for yourself. Project Nobody’s River is a documentary expedition on one of the world’s greatest and least known… Continue reading Nobody’s River Film out!

WWA Proud to Support this New Film Project, Yak About Adventures : A New Zealand Roadie

World Wild Adventures is driven to help promote healthy outdoor adventure living, and our Co Founder Jaime Sharp has begun this new film project that aims to celebrate, cherish and inspire the life of adventure and being true to oneself. If you are interested in how this series will build, and how to help support… Continue reading WWA Proud to Support this New Film Project, Yak About Adventures : A New Zealand Roadie

Exciting Fun in the Bay of Fundy.

Here is a teazer of a short film Jaime Sharp helped film and also stars in. Produced and edited by Justine Curgenven. Watch the whole 20 minute film at Humpback whales inches from your kayak or multiple beat downs at the Walton ‘Wopper’ – these are some of the contrasting experiences captured on camera… Continue reading Exciting Fun in the Bay of Fundy.